Adventure Woman Blog: May 2010
The Official Blog of

Monday, May 31, 2010

Death by Kayak

I spent the weekend Kayaking the Umpqua River. Now this is a beautiful spot in the world and the weather was cool but sunny. Kayaking is a fantastic sport because you glide along the water like you're a part of it and feel so free and unencumbered.

This is not a "roll" kayak. I have yet to master the kayak roll - and if anyone has any "helpful hints" or "kayaking roll secrets" I would certainly appreciate receiving them.

Just when I thought I was doing well heading the down rapids (Class 2)I noticed a fallen tree about twenty years in front of me. The rapids were moving so fast that I was unable to navigate around it. So I crashed into it.

I stuck my arm out to prevent myself from crashing into the trunk of the tree and what I did was halt the kayak, but not the rush of the river so the kayak actually flipped underneath the tree (with me in it). I found myself upside down underneath the kayak. I swam out of the kayak but every time I tried to reach the surface my head hit the kayak or the log or tree branches. I must of hit my head four times and I was running out of oxygen and time. I wondered if someone would help me, but I quickly realized that "the cavalry wasn't coming."

I thought I was going to die underneath that tree. It seemed like forever and ever... I remember trying to gather my wits and I decided to push away from the tree as long and as hard as I could. Suddenly, I 'popped up.'

I was floating down the river in my life jacket and even when I finally hit the surface I couldn't breathe. I just gasped and gasped and gasped - and bobbed and bobbed and bobbed. It took a long time to swim to shore and I was so exhausted - totally spent. I couldn't talk - I just breathed - as deeply as I could - and I was so thankful to be alive.

The rest of the trip was relatively pleasant and uneventful. But I kept reliving my panicked state underneath the tree - wondering if I was seconds or minutes from drowning. Regardless, I hope never to feel so trapped underwater again. It was an uneasy adventure...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fabulous Over Forty Contest!

These last five days I have been trying to get into the finals of MORE Magazines Fabulous Over Forty contest. I was hoping to bring attention to Adventure Woman, and if lucky enough, win some prize money to build our adventure ( website for girls. This was my motivation.

The first step in entering the contest was admitting that I was actually over forty... Next step, I wrote my 150 word essay and submitted a recent photograph (taken within the last 3 months - contest rules). Paid a $25 entry fee and I was good to go!

Then came the more stressful part. Getting votes. Acquiring votes was not so easy because people had to go to the website, register, locate your profile and then vote. It was an investment of time for anyone kind enough to cast a vote for a contestant. As a consequence, getting votes was akin to finding pieces of gold or buried treasures. Yes, you had to seek them out!

I posted the contest on my Facebook page (Beth Walz) and encouraged friends (or is it hassled friends?) to vote for me. I was calling in old debts to get people to vote for me - like the time I gave my chocolate chip cookie to a friend on the bus in 6th grade (remember...?). Yes, I was asking friends from elementary school on up to law school to vote for me - which was an 'old saw' for most of them since I had been running for student council forever - and ever.

Actually, one of the nicest parts about the contest was hearing back from these old friends and receiving their encouraging words of support. There is nothing so wonderful as receiving a 'pat on the back' from an old elementary school/Jr.High/High school and college friends in a contest for people over forty!

I have no idea if I made the final cut of the 100 women who received the most votes. But I do know there are some kind, beautiful, intelligent and accomplished women over forty in the contest and I was in awe of many of them. Coming from a woman who runs a website - that features extraordinary women; this contest really had a 'mother-load' of phenomenal females. Fighter pilots to Federal wardens. Really? And they look like Christie Brinkley or Cheryl Tiegs! Yikes! Amazing stuff.

Yes, it would be an honor to go to the finals but regardless, it was - a grand adventure. And ya'll know how I feel about a new adventure. Yes, I just loved it! I will you let you know - when I know - if I made the 100 mark.

For those of you who did vote for me. A BIG Thank You! I appreciate your help and support. It was my family and friends (and the occasional kindness of strangers) who made the contest so much fun. I am grateful to all of you. Thanks again, and again!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We Want YOU!

Please help us find adventurous and extraordinary women to feature on We are also as looking for recommendations of great books and exciting films. Are you a writer? We are looking for "how to" articles and adventure stories to feature.

If you know of someone you'd like to nominate as a REAL Adventure Woman (living or deceased)please fill out our Nominate a REAL Adventure Woman form.

We're on the look out for military service women you respect/love/admire. You can use our Nomination form or send their name to: (Again, the women can be deceased, retired or active).

We are looking for book and film suggestions for our Book Review Tent and our Movie Review Tent. Please send in your suggestion and we will mention you on Adventure Woman if we use your suggestion.

Are you an expert in a particular field or have a passion you'd like to share? Send a "How to" article for Adventure Woman University. Pass on your passion for adventure.

Do you have a travel or adventure story you'd like to share? Please send it in. We love all types of adventures - local to international and solo to family. Share your experience and motivate others.

Do you have a great fishing tale you'd like to tell? If so, then send it in with your fishing photos (up to ten photos).

Do you know someone adventurous we should interview? Send us her name and we'll contact her.

Have a question and want an answer? Send us your questions?

ADVENTURE WOMAN RADIO: Do you want to be a radio guest or know someone we should talk to? Just let us know!

Thank you for making Adventure Woman a grand adventure!

If there is something we forgot, please let us know. We love to hear from you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo

What a fantastic day to pop into a Mexican Restaurant and have a delicious meal. Salsa, chips, guacamole and tacos are oh, so delicious. Maybe a margarita or deep-fried icecream for the more decadent diner.

Another fun way to celebrate Cinco de mayo is to make a Mexican dinner with the kids. Let them fill their own tacos with an assortment of toppings or really go to town and get a pinata.

What ever you do make it an adventure. Cinco de Mayo is a terrific opportunity to celebrate an exciting culture and discuss the excitement to be found around the world.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Adventure Woman Radio "Hunting Special"

Adventure Woman Radio
Hunting Special

Thank you to Rebecca, Amy and Angela for participating in our Adventure Woman Hunting Special. It was a great show with lots of fantastic information. Do you want to listen to the show? Just click on Blog Talk Radio to your right. All Adventure Woman Radio's previous shows can be found on's Radio page or at our Archive Tent. Next Sunday! Our Mother's Day Special! Don't miss it!

Mother/Daughter and Doggy Adventures

My daughter, Breezy, sorority had their annual Mother's Weekend and what a great time. A University of Oregon baseball game (at their new field) and several brunches, lunches and dinners. We also went to the local Farmers Market in Eugene and what a treat. We bought fresh basil, several types of homemade goat's cheese (sweet and spicy) and homemade breads. Heaven! The artists were amazingly varied and soooo talented. I wanted to buy everything. Support your local Farmer's market and your local artists!

We ran into a guy who was promoting Pepsi Products at the sorority house and come to find out this friendly guy is a young entrepreneur. He and his siblings are opening the new Sniff Dog Hotel in Portland - scheduled to open in two weeks (May 23).

You need to check out this hotel. It has a among other wonderful things, a President's Suite for your dog with a television and furniture. You can watch your dog via your laptop from anywhere. Worry not, pet owners!

Visit the Sniff Hotel at: http://www.sniffdoghotelcom/Site/sniffdoghotel.html. This is also National Pet Week so take your pet out to play or give him a good brushing!

Did I mention that Portland in ranked #5 for the best cities to take your dog!?