Adventure Woman Blog: Baskadora's 25th Birthday!
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baskadora's 25th Birthday!

Horse'n around on Baskadora's 25th Birthday.

Baskadora is one of my oldest friends. I received Baskadora for my 22nd birthday (February, 1987) twenty-three years ago. She was just 1 1/2 years old and the prettiest thing you'd ever seen at the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show.

Over the last 23 years Baskadora and I have been through a lot together. We both have had daughters (she had a filly and I have a 21 year-old and a 9 year-old). We have moved around the country together (Arizona, Oregon, Oklahoma, Florida and back to Oregon) and have seen our fortunes rise and fall together more than once.

She has been around longer than any other other beloved pet, child or husband. The man that gave me Baskadora was my first husband, Gerry, and he died in 1995. Her significance as a friend, stabilizing force, and constant source of happiness cannot be underestimated.

We have had great times together. We played polo in Arizona in the early years, and then did endurance rising in Tulsa. We took jumping lessons together and tried a little cross-country in Florida. Today we ride occasionally, and she lives at a barn with lots of other horses and friends. Baskadora is one of the only horses at the barn who will come by name - from across several fields - to say, "hello" or to be put in her stall for the evening.

My first Adventure Woman newspaper article featured me sitting on Baskadora. We made the cover of the paper and a there was a terrific inside shot of Baskadora at the entrance to the barn with the sun pouring down on her. She glowed majestically (several people asked if she was a statue or a real horse). Yes, she has been around for every significant event in my life for the last twenty-three and a half years. Lucky me.

People love their horses. And if I may say so, women especially love their horses. Personally, I have been blessed to have such a wonderful companion in life and it is my privilege to say, "Happy Birthday Bask. May the next twenty-five years be just as good as the first twenty-five. I love you!"


  1. Oh, Beth! What a fabulous birthday wish and tribute to Baskadora! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story.

  2. Thank you Debbie. She is a great friend. Can't cook, but sure eats a lot!
