Adventure Woman Blog: January 2011
The Official Blog of

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Call for Nominations! is seeking nominations
for a REAL Adventure Woman, our Adventure Woman Interview, Fishing Tips & Adventures and Salute! A Service Woman. is a world-renowned website that features ground-breaking, pioneering, courageous, fun-loving and interesting women. has had over a million hits and has received multi-media coverage. This is a great opportunity to celebrate and recognize a woman that has been a role model, a source of inspiration or motivating force in your life.

Adventure Woman is accepting nominations in the following areas:

REAL Adventure Woman: We are looking for extraordinary women who have broken records, blazed new trails, inspired a significant amount of people or have changed lives for the better. The female may be deceased or living. We are looking for adventurers, athletes, scientists, artist, renegades, leaders and humanitarians.

Adventure Interview: We are interested in interviewing interesting and exciting females. Women who push individual boundaries, excel in male-dominated professions, have overcome significant challenges or have a uniquely adventurous outlook on life are ideal interview candidates for Adventure Woman.

Trix’s Fishing Tips & Adventures: We are looking for fisherwomen to interview for our Fishing Tips and Adventures Section. If you know of a professional fisherwoman, a female fishing guide or a diehard fisherwoman we would like to feature her (and a dozen or so of her catches) on

Salute! A Service Woman: We are proud to feature women who are currently serving in the military or have previously served in the armed services. Women can be deceased or living. This is a great way to honor a woman whose courage and patriotism you respect and admire.

Compensation: All successful nominations (if we feature your suggestion on will receive a set of Adventure Woman postcards. The nominees will receive a certificate and either a set of postcards or an Adventure Woman tee-shirt.

We accept nominations from both women and men and from friends and relatives of the nominee. Send nominations to or visit our nomination link.

Adventure Woman's Call for Writers!

Call for Writers! is seeking submissions from Adventurers, travelers, Fisherwomen and Women Experts. is a world-renowned website that features adventure & travel stories, fishing tips & adventures and expert teaching articles. has had over a million hits and has received multi-media coverage of all types. This is a great opportunity to share your stories with thousands of people and have your writing published on the internet.
Adventure Woman is looking for articles from women in the following areas:

Adventure Stories: We want stories of a funny, exciting or daring adventure experience. Stories may include activities, such as; surf lessons, rock climbing experiences, sailing, backpacking, horseback riding, sky diving, scuba-diving, and mountaineering, etc. Novice to expert voices of adventurers accepted. Stories should be between 4 – 10 paragraphs. Adventure stories will be featured in Notes From the Trail.

Travel Stories: We want travel stories in or outside the United States. Stories can range from roughing it on a camping trip to relaxing on a luxurious cruise. The article should describe the spirit of place and the excitement travel. Articles should be between 4-10 paragraphs and will be featured in Notes From the Trail. Send a photo with your submission.
Fishing Tips: Do you know how to ice fish, fly fish, or deep sea fish? Can you select a fishing rod or the best lure for your location? If so, we’d like to read your fishing tips on how to become a better fisherwoman. Articles should be between 4-8 paragraphs and will appear in Trix’s Fishing Tips and Adventures. Send a photo with your submission.

Fishing Adventures: Do you have a great river or ocean fishing story? Have you fished in an extraordinary place, such as, Patagonia? Do you have a “tall tale” to tell about the fish that got away or a humorous story about a “fishless” fishing trip? We want to read your story. Fishing Adventures should be between 4-10 paragraphs and will appear in Trix’s Fishing Tips and Adventures. Send a photo with your submission.

Expert Advice: Do you know how to do something well? Be an “Adventure Woman University Professor” and inspire other women to do something new with a motivating “how to” article. Can you paint? Run a marathon? Swim a lake? Take a good photo? Cook a delicious BBQ? Teach a dog to fetch? If you have a special talent we want to feature your expertise on Adventure Woman University. How-to articles should be between 4-8 paragraphs and will appear in Adventure Woman University. Send a photo with your submission.

Publication: Authors who are published will receive a byline. An author will also have the opportunity to have her photograph accompany her article. All accepted articles will appear on and in Adventure Woman’s newsletter the Adventure NewsFlash. Articles/stories will appear on the specified portion of (Notes on the Trails, Trix’s Fishing Tips & Adventures and Adventure Woman University) for approximately six weeks and then will permanently reside in our Archive Tent.

Compensation: All published authors will receive a Personalized Adventure Woman Certificate and have the choice of receiving either (1) a set of ten Adventure Woman Postcards or (2) an Adventure Woman Tee-shirt as compensation for their work.
Send your article and photograph to For additional samples of previous articles and photographs visit our Archive Tent.
Thank you and see you at Basecamp!

Beth Walz
Basecamp Manager

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let it Snow!

Nothing is better than the first snow of winter.

In the "Banana Belt" of Oregon we don't see much snow so when we do it is a real treat! (See Video here). We welcomed in the New Year with a fresh heap of beautiful white snow on New Year's Eve at midnight.

The snow was sublime and a real fairytale on a starry night signifying the start of new possibilities. But it was also wet, slippery and dangerous on already dangerous New Year's Eve roads, streets and highways.

Perhaps it is the way of adventure - there is a real surreal aspect to adventuring and it is awe inspiring and beautiful but on the flip-side it can be intimidating and potentially dangerous.

But ultimately, life belongs to those who dare -- so in 2011 -- life with abandon! Let it snow. May you live!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Organize, organize and clean...

One huge adventure at my house is organizing and cleaning. Okay, its not the most glamorous adventure but it certainly one that turns up unexpected treasures. Today, I found my daughter's holiday music (3 weeks too late), a notebook I've been looking for, my phone charger (already replaced) and a missing shoe (now I have a pair again).

If I told you everything I found in my refrigerator you'd faint! LOL. This is an exercise in bravery to be sure... Nevertheless, the end product was a bright and sparkling frig. I love an organized refrigerator! Okay, the labels don't face the same direction but similar items are in similar places. Success!

I went out hunting at the local store for more cleaning supplies and returned with renewed enthusiasm and blue rubber gloves. Well, I didn't get as far as I hoped - but its a good start toward becoming organized in 2011.

Everything in its place! And then I can finally find it (maybe).

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year From Adventure Woman

Happy New Year!

"1-1-11" What an exciting and ominous day. New Year's Day is always the Beginning of Great things, but with a multiple string of the number "1" it must be especially grand. This is a day to plan new adventures and seek exciting opportunities.

Here are our TOP SEVEN suggestions for achieving your New Year's Resolutions!

PLAN: Plan your New Year's Resolutions. It may be a cliche' but the BEST way to tackle the things you want to achieve is to WRITE them down. Keep a calendar of when you want to achieve specific goals.

COMMIT: If you want to run a 10K sign-up for it. Register for the triathlon or marathon. Losing weight? Join the gym and write in your weight journal - yes, get a journal. A journal allows you to track progress and will hold you accountable to your dreams.

ATTITUDE: Think of what you're gaining and not what you're giving up. Be positive.

FIND SUPPORT: Ask friends to support your resolutions and dreams for 2011. Having a cheering team of support will make you go farther, faster and may prevent you from quitting.

BIT SIZE GOALS: Create the steps to your goal. One piece at a time and soon the whole will be completed. What do I mean? Make it manageable. Dream big, but be realistic.

REWARD: Reward yourself when you cross off a task or complete a goal. This can be as small as a magazine, a cup of herbal tea or a motivational book. Whatever you do - mark the occasion of accomplishment.

CELEBRATE: Celebrate your successes. Write "I did it" on your mirror when you finish your goal or have keep your resolution for the first month. Keep it positive.

Adventure Woman wishes you the most wonderful New Year ever and may 2011 bring you prosperity, health, happiness and many amazing adventures!

Visit us at

Beth Walz, Ava Aviatrix and Trixster Gator